Benefits of a CPS Membership

  • Reduced registration fees for the CPS Annual Meeting and ability to sponsor abstracts.
  • Eligible for awards given by the Society, including the Stevenson Lectureship and Student Travel Awards.
  • Receipt of CPS alerts and news by email or via the website.
  • Ability to post job advertisements and other announcements to the membership.

Statut de member










Existing members will receive email notification when annual membership fees are due.
Please, contact CPS secretary for fees payment.

Dr. Melanie Woodin
[email protected]

To become a member:

1. Choose a category

Regular Member:

      A person who has conducted research, who has published papers in scientific journals, and who is actively engaged in investigation, teaching or other form of scholarship in the fields of physiology, biochemistry, pharmacology, clinical investigation or the experimental aspects of biology, pathology, therapeutics, nutrition or hygiene, shall be eligible for membership.

Associate Members: Research assistants, post-doctoral fellows, teachers and others actively engaged in physiological or biological research or teaching, shall be eligible for Associate Membership. When Associate Members become eligible for full membership, they must apply to become a full Member if they wish to remain in the Society. Under normal circumstances, the tenure of Associate Membership shall not exceed five years.

Student Members: Graduate students pursuing higher degrees in physiological or biological science shall be eligible for Student Membership. Upon completion of the degree program, Student Members must apply for Associate or full Membership if they wish to remain in the Society, unless they immediately commence a further degree program.

Emeritus Members: A member who has retired from active employment because of age shall be eligible for Emeritus Membership.

2. Send your application to the CPS Secretary, [email protected]

Regular and Associate Members:

      A complete curriculum vitae plus the names and email addresses of two Regular Members of the CPS who are familiar with you and can act as sponsors.

Student Members:

      A brief curriculum vitae listing your current position and research interests, degree(s), and any publications plus your supervisor’s name and email address.

Emeritus Members: A letter to the Secretary, indicating that you have retired but wish to remain an Emeritus Member.

3. When your application is accepted by the Council, you will receive an email with instructions for payment of fees.