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Membership Categories:
Regular - As a Regular Member, you will be active in physiological research and/or teaching with a faculty appointment in a recognised academic institution, industry or the healthcare sector. You will have published at least two papers in relevant peer-reviewed journals. Alternatively, if your appointment is in a teaching role, you may submit two teaching products or one product and one scientific communication. Please name an existing Regular Member or your department head as a reference in your application.
Associate – As an Associate member, you will be active in physiological research as a postdoctoral fellow or research associate as demonstrated by at least two publications and/or conference presentations and/or the title of your project. Please name your supervisor as a reference in your application.
Student – As a Student Member, you will be active in physiological research as demonstrated by your MSc or PhD project title and/or publication(s) and/or conference presentation(s). Please name your supervisor as a reference in your application.